Three Branches of Government


-The Senate is led by the Vice President, who is currently Joe Biden, pictured above.
-The Senate consists of 100 members, two per state.
-The members of the Senate serve a six year term.
-The requirements to be a member of the Senate are:
            -Must be 30 years old.
            -Must be a 9 year U.S. citizen.
            -Must be a resident of the state of which they represent.
-The Senate has much fewer rules than the House of Representatives.
-The Senate is much more prestigious than the House.

Pay and Benefits

Members of the Senate:       
-Make roughly $176,000 a year.
-Have a private gym membership.
-Get discounts on haircuts.
-Free Parking (7 a year).
-Food and Dining is paid for.
-Free Medical Care.
-Excellent retirement plan.
-Full staff which is paid for by tax payers.
-Free travel.
-Cannot be arrested at work, going to work, or coming home from work.
-Cannot be sued for what they say in congress.
-They do not have to pay for postage.